The College Library remains opened from 10:30 AM to 4:30 PM on all working days except on holidays and Sundays.
- No books shall be taken out without the knowledge of the Librarian unless it has been properly entered in the Issue Register.
- All Library Books taken by the students should be returned to the library before the commencement of the summer vaction
- The borrower must verify the condition of the books before they are issued.
- Anybody in possession of a library book shall return it to the library whenever requisitioned.
- No underlining or notes shall be made in the library books.
- No picture or page of a book / Journal shall be removed, torn of or otherwise disfigured. If detected the borrower shall be asked to replace the book/journal damaged by her with fine.
- If a brower has any thing outstanding or over due on her, she shall not be allowed to borrow books from the library unless the dues are fully paid.
- Spitting, gossiping, sleeping inside the library is strictly forbidden.
- Nobody except students, teaching staff and non-teaching staff is allowed to go to the liabrary counter.
- The following is the list showing maximum number of books that may be issued to the various classes of borrowers and staff.
- Member of Teaching staff10
- Demonstrators5
- Librarian5
- P.E.T.5
- Ministerial staff3
- Menial Staff2
- +3 Students1
- +3 Hon's Students2
- Reference Books and courses of studies shall not be issued without special permision from the Principal.
- The teaching and non-teaching staff may take books from the library by signing on the issue register.
- The time limit for returning the library books is 15 days for Students and 30 days for staff.
- Any book lost or damaged by a member of the staff shall be replaced by him/her with a new one.
- If the book are lost or damaged, the students shall pay the triple cost of the book lost.
- If a student does not return the library books within the stipulated time a fine of Rs.1/- per day will be charged from her. The fine shall be collected along with the Academic Development Fee.
- Only one book or one journal may be issued to every student in the library reading room. All such books or journal must be returned to the librarian 30 miutes before the college closes. If a student fails to return the books or journals a fine of Rs. 1.00 per day shall be charged till she returns the book or journal.
- If a student loses her library card, a duplicate card will be issued to her on payment of Rs. 50/-