1. Mid Semester Examination will be of 01 hour duration for 20 marks.there shall be no pass mark in Mid semester examination.2. The papers of Mid Semester Examination will be valued by the teachers or any external faculty teaching that paper in the Department/College.
3. A student who fails to appear in a Mid Semester Examination will be allowed to take the same examination with next batch of students only once. However, it will be treated as a back examination This rule is not applicable to the students appearing for Mid semester componet of V and VI Semester (UG). However, the candidates intending and eligible to appear in such examination shall have to apply to the PGS/ Principal concerned in plain paper showing suffficient reasons thereof. If the PGS/Principal is satisfied, then she will be allowed to appear in the same examination.
4. There is no provision of Improvement examination for Mid Semester examination in any paper of any Semester.
5. The Mid Semester examination will be conducted at the end of September/February for Odd and Even Semester Examination respectively.
6. The College has to submit positively the MidTerm marks by end of October/March to the Controller of Examinations for Odd and Even Semester respectively.
2. GRADE SYSTEM IN EACH PAPER(Mid+End Semester Examination) In a Semester
Grade | Marks Secured from 100 | Grade points |
Outstanding 'O' | 90-100 | 10 |
Excellent 'A+' | 80-89 | 9 |
Very Good 'A' | 70-79 | 8 |
Good 'B' | 60-69 | 7 |
Aboveaverage 'B' | 50-59 | 6 |
fair 'C' | 45-49 | 5 |
Pass 'D' | 33-44 | 4 |
Failed 'F' | Below 33 | 0 |
N.B.: A Candidate has to secure 33% or above to pass in each of the papers.
The candidate obtaining Grade- F considered failed and will be required to clear the back paper(s) in the subsequent examinations within the stipulated time.The candidate securing 'B' Grade and above in Core/Honours papers in aggregate will be awarded Honours.
The candidate securing 'B+' Grade and above in aggregate in first appearence will be awarded Honours with Distinction/Distintion(for pass/ regular course). Any candidate filling the forms for appearing in back papers/improvement shall not be awarded Distinction.
2.2. A student's level of competence shall be categorized by GRADE POIN AVARAGE to be specified as:
SGPA-Semester Grade Point Average
CGPA- Cumulative Grade Point Average
(1) POINT - Integer equivalent of each letter grade
(ii) CREDIT - Integer signifying the relative emphasis of Individual course items (s) in a semester as indicated by the course structure and syllbus.
CREDIT POINT (b) x (a) for each course item.
CREDIT INDEX: Credit point of course items in each semester Grade point Average=CREDIT INDEX / CREDIT
CRIDIT INDEX of all previous semesters up to 6th semester CREDIT
2.3. A students in order to retain honors has to secure Grade 'C' and above in core papers. Further in order to obtain distinction a student has to secure 50% marks in all the subjects taken together (including core) in first appearance. A candidate passing under hard in case rule (2% grace marks) shall not be eligible to obtain distinction.
2.4. In addtion to the grade option, marks/ percentage would also be awarded and shall also be reflected in the Mark Sheet.
3.1. A student has to clear back papers (i.e. in the paper/papers one has failed i.e. having secured grade F or below 30% mark) by appearing subsequent semester examinations within six years from the year/session of admission.3.2. A student may appear improvement (repeat) in any number of Core papers (Honours) in the immediate subsequent examination if the candidate has obtaind a grade below C (i.e. below 45%) the paper concerned .The higher marks shall be retained. The Candidate securing grade, below C (i.ebelow 45%) in the Core (Hons) paper will be declared as pass without honorus .
4.1. 2% of grace mark on the aggregate mark subject to maximum of 5(five) mark in single paper shall be given. This shall be applicable in each semester4.2. 0.5 (point five percent) grace marks can be given for awared of B Grade (SGPA7) in each semester provided grace mark under 9.2 has not been awarded. This will not affects the distinction of the candidates.
5.1. The end semester examination will be of three hours irrespctive of marks.5.2. For subject without having practical full mark are 10 paper out of which 20 marks is allotted for fMid-Semester Examination (Internal) and 80 marks for end semester examination.
* The question papers shall be divided into two part such as Group -A and Group-B.
* Group-A will carry 10 short questions of two marks each. The answer should be within two sentences.
* There shall be 5 long type question in group -B with one alternative.each have to be attempted and all questions shall be of equal rule (12 marks x 5).
5.3. For subject with practical full marks are 100 per paper of which 20 marks is allotted for MidSemester Examination 50 is for End Semester Examination and 30 is for practical.
The question papers shall be divided into two parts such as Group-A & B, Group-A will carry 10 short. questions of one mark each the answear should be within to sentences.
There shall be 5 long -type questions with one alternative each to be attempted for subject having practical. The question will be equal value (8 Mark x 5).
5.4. Model answear for long question should be between 700- 1000 words.
A. Subjects without PraticalMid Term | Term End | Total |
20 | 80 | 100 |
Mid Term | Term End | Total | |
A-Theory | B-Practial | ||
20 | 50 | 80(20+10(Record) | 100 |
DSE papers for Hons. student May not have the practical component as proposed by the respective Board of Studies.
If there is no practical tutorial classes are allotted. The project paper will be evaluated both by External & Internal Examiners.
Remuneration to the Examination (External and Internal) is Rs.20/-each per project. Project fee of Rs.50/- shall be collected from each Hons. Student at the time of Readmission to +3 3rd year at the college level and the collected amount will be deposited in the ex-mination on account of respective colleges.
Evalution of project shall be completed before the commencement of the 6th Semester Examination.