General Rule & Regulations
- The College Sessionand Admission
- The College session begins on 1st june and close on 31st may. The first term is from june to December and the second term is from january to may. Admission into the collee begins soon after the publication of the result University Examination and continues till the last day prescribe by the University.
- Undertaking
- Before a student is admitted he/she or his/her guardian (if he / she below 18 years of age ) has to sign an undertaking to abide by the rules of the college.
- Address
Each student must register in the college office the address at which he/she lives.
He/She must also intimate to the office in the event of anysubsequent change of the address.
- Application
a) Application for CLC,Mark Sheet etc should be inserted into a slotted closed box specifically kept for the purpose of the office . ther should br a clear margin of 2 complete days from the day of application and the date of issue for the same .all application of grievances should also be inserted in to the same box. no application should be submitted to the Principal directly.
b) There shall be separated slotted closed box mrked "Renewal of Identity Card " in to which the identity cards of the previous year should be inserted ror renewal sending identity cards through peons to the Principal is strictly prohibited .identity cards inserted into the box for principal "s signature on a particular day shall ordinarily bee ready for issue next day .
- Leave
All Students who wish avail leave of absence should apply for leave before they actullay absent themselves.In caes submission of application for leave in advance is not possible and the cause of absence is immidiate ,application for leave should be sent by the post addressed to the principal or submitted immidiately after return to the college .
- Private Club and Terms
Students are forbidden
(i) To bring any outside Athletic club or any type of club or Society (ii) to play for any team other than the college team without previous permission from the principal in writing .
- Permission to accompany the college team outside the station
When a team or party of student is deputed outside khorda ,students must obtained permission from the hostel superintendent / Principal.
- Bi-Cycle
Students are warmed not to use bicycles which do not belong to them without permission of the owner .All bycycles must be padlocked and kept in cycle sheds.Students are advised not to put their bycycles on the verendahs or in the portion or in the front of the principal office .The students are forbidden to take motorcycles/scoters to the backyard of the main building.